2024 Kekionga Festival "A Celebration of our Heritage"
The 2024 Kekionga Festival comes to Decatur this August. The official dates of the Festival are Thursday, August 22 through Sunday, August 25.
Friday, August 23rd
9:00 am - 2 pm - Education Day - This event is open to all public, private and home school students. (Riverside Park & Riverside Center
4:00 pm - Encampment opens to the public - Riverside Center
Saturday, August 24th
Pioneer Encampment \ Living History Village - Riverside Park
9:00 am - Encampment opens to the public
Black Powder Gun Shoot - Pioneer Village
9:00 am & 6 pm - Tomahawk & Knife Throw Demonstration - Pioneer Village
11:30 am - Archery - Pioneer Village
Riverside Center 9 am - 2 pm:
Decatur Artisan Craft Market
Food Vendors - Riverside Parking Lot
3:30 pm - Registration for Kekionga/Adams Memorial Hospital Greenway Gallop - Riverside Center
4:30 pm - Kekionga/Adams Memorial Hospital Greenway Gallop - Riverside Center
DARK - Council Fire - Primitive Village, Riverside Park
WOOD CARVER, Scott Lepley will do demonstrations at 10:00 am, 12 Noon, 2:00 pm, and 4:00 pm., The four carvings will be sold at auction at the conclusion of the last show.
(Located in the Food/Entertainment Tent - Riverside Center)
11:00 am - Comedian/Magician - Jim Barron (Tent)
Sunday, August 25th
11:00 am - 2:00 pm - Pioneer Encampment \ Living History Village - Riverside Park
10:00 am - Primitive Church Service - Pioneer Village - Open to the Public
2:00 pm - Camp Meeting & Prizes - Pioneer Village
KEKIONGA FESTIVAL SPONSORS: Decatur Chamber of Commerce & City of Decatur
A special thanks to the City of Decatur, The Parks and Recreation Department for their Support.